Designing experiences


Abstract Design Paintings


About the paintings:


These are abstract designs, which use natural shapes like leaves, plants, animals, etc in the foreground and geometric shapes like square, triangles, circles, etc in the background. The main objective of these paintings is to draw attention to the foreground object. There are multiple ways of doing that, for example using warm color palette (red, yellow, violet) for foreground and cool color palette (blue, green) in the background, or highlighting the foreground by making the background grayscale monochrome.

The medium used to paint these designs is poster/ acrylic oil based liquid colors. Painting the small intricate curves in the design requires a real steady hand and the patience to stay focused for hours together. Usually one painting on a 15cm x 15cm square requires 2 hours to complete. There are various branched out forms of painting abstract designs, like the use of mosaic lines instead of solid color, etc.



Some of my specimens:

And few more paintings coming soon!