Designing experiences

More about me

Sanket Shukl


The Shorter Story:



  • Under grad in Information Technology Engineering
  • Graduation in Human Computer Interaction/ design.

Specially good at:

  • Sketching
  • Wireframing
  • Ideating
  • Designing with real world constraints.

My nature:

  • I listen to understand and empathise
  • I'm an introvert getting good at being extrovert
  • I prefer solitude to loud noises
  • I love the rustic beauty as much as I love the tall skylines
  • I believe in team spirit
  • I stand for my commitments
  • I'm more of a coffee person than a beer or tea person.

Hobbies and passions:

  • Extensive reading- blogs, magazines and books
  • Painting abstract designs (some of my paintings are here)
  • Cooking spicy food (not a huge fan of sweets!)
  • Trekking and hiking
  • Swimming and playing table tennis.


The Longer Story:

Since childhood, I have had the attraction for design and aesthetics. As I grew up, this liking turned into my hobby and I started enjoying painting and drawing. Even in my childhood days, the focus of my drawing and painting always used to be abstract design, the intersection of different shapes/ forms and color combinations. After completing my high school, I appeared for the architecture exam and stood 5th in my state and 3rd in the city of Mumbai, India.

Even though I was good at painting and aesthetics, I was equally fascinated by computers in my childhood days. It was during my engineering education in the field of Information Technology, that I got acquainted with concepts like web designing, programming languages like C++, HTML and Java along with computer hardware like microprocessor, etc.

The four years of engineering studies taught me a lot about the way computers handle information. In my spare time, I used to pursue my hobby of drawing and painting, and it was at this moment that I thought if there was something common between my genetic gift of aesthetic sense and my liking for computers. Later the engineering coursework introduced me in further detail to web designing and Graphical User Interface Designing for various software applications.

At once,I knew that I was at home with user interface designing. I was drawn to the mobile devices at this same time and began to follow numerous blogs on android and iOS over the web. I realised that UX was that element of any application which was capable of making all the difference.

My decision to pursue HCI/design at Indiana University- Bloomington was based on my desire to learn everything there is to know about the field I like, i.e. aesthetics and UX designing. With the rigorous learning structure at IU and the enthusiasm to explore  UX, I took the challenging projects head on and learnt to do primary research, ideate, wireframe, prototype and most importantly, to work in a team collaboratively. Reflecting on every project I did, helped me find my own design process and to get better at consistently delivering feasible design solutions to the problem at hand. I believe in exploring the design space under the real world constraints.

To further enhance my skills as UX designer and to grow more matured as a designer, I'm looking forward to working on challenging problems as a part of my summer internship. You can always reach me at or fill the simple form at this page.


Credits Role:

Sanket Shukl.

Sanket Shukl.


Daniel Thompson, Prashant Narayanan, Josh Champion, Daniel Newman.

Shankar Balasubramanian, Raphael Feinstein, Jereme Magsaysay, Prof. Marty Siegel.

Site experience :

Design :

Framework :

Pictures :

Special Thanks for criticism :